Bodyworks Eve Ultrasound Simulator

BodyWorks Eve is an ultra-realistic female patient simulator designed for interactive and immersive Point of Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) scenario training.
Complete with 100 real patient scans and over 10,000 pathology variations across cardiac, lung, transabdominal and pelvic ultrasound, BodyWorks Eve is designed to meet the training needs of healthcare professionals who wish to practise PoCUS in Emergency Medicine and Critical Care.
BodyWorks Eve can also be expanded to include a comprehensive education in cardiac anatomy and echocardiography through the addition of HeartWorks TEE & TTE functionality.

Supporting core applications in the PoCUS curriculum defined by the International Federation of Emergency Medicine (IFEM)
From picking up a probe for the first time to testing diagnostic skills in simulated scenarios, BodyWorks Eve supports learning in:
- ELS, FAST, eFAST, FICE and RUSH protocols
- Probe manipulation skills
- Recognition of common abnormalities and pathology Assessment skills to guide decisions for patient referral or discharge Doppler and M-mode functions
Putting skills into clinical context through simulated scenarios
The Instructor Tablet further extends patient assessment capabilities. Using over 100 real patient cases and over 10,000 pathology variations tutors can adjust the visible pathologies and physiological parameters in real time to further extend students’ assessment skills.

Apply skills to patient cases
BodyWorks Eve gives access to real patient-based training where doctors can work through patient cases independently and at their own pace. Over 100 patient cases using real patient scans will develop diagnostic skills and recognition of common abnormalities in emergency medicine to guide evaluation and decision making for patient referral or discharge.
Thoracic, abdominal and pelvic imaging
All the cases you’ll need to teach point of care ultrasound on a single manikin that you can scan from the clavicle to the bladder.

Develop probe manipulation skills
Doctors can use the ScanTrainer probe manipulation module to learn how to examine complex structures. An engaging sequence of 3D models have been designed to teach the subtleties of probe movements required to attain accurate ultrasound views.
Cardiac and lung imaging
When practising TTE and TEE probe handling skills, trainees can observe probe positioning in relation to the virtual, beating 3D heart with effects on imaging in real time. Doppler modalities (CFM, PWD, CWD) and M-mode are available along with the tools with which to make accurate quantitative assessment. Not available on base model, only with added HeartWorks functionality.

Emergency Medicine

Critical Care

Heart & Lung
Multiple pathology models have been created to facilitate the ultrasound evaluation of patients with structural and functional disturbances. Over 100 patient cases for self-directed learning and tutor-led scenarios support the PoCUS curriculum in Emergency Medicine and Critical Care.

Our easy-to-use operating tablets enable the tutor to create engaging and dynamic scenarios to deliver highly effective simulation-based training. Clinical realism is greatly enhanced while critical thinking and patient management skills are extensively challenged.

The Instructor Tablet
Enables the tutor to run scenarios 'on the fly' and easily change the patient's condition and level of severity to test assessment and decision-making skills.

The iSimulate Facilitator Pad
allows the tutor to change vital signs including heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure and EKG to increase the complexity of the scenario.

The iSimulate Patient Monitor
is wirelessly linked to the Facilitator Tablet to display the physiological changes being made by the tutor during the scenario.
BodyWorks Eve Ultrasound Simulator
- Cardiothoracic Ultrasound
- Lung Ultrasound
- Pelvic Ultrasound
- Abdominal Ultrasound
- FAST Scans
- Probe Manipulation
- Transabdominal Probe
- Transthoracic Probe
- Transesophageal Probe
- Ultrasound Curriculum for beginner to advanced
- Torso of highly realistic manikin
- Different Pathologies