Decubitus Care: Wound Care Models

Mentone-Educational is proud to offer a variety of quality wound care foot models, task trainers involving the skin and moulage that are suitable for educational use. Our high-quality, reliable products are manufactured by respected medical equipment manufacturers including Nasco Life/form (US), 3B Scientific (Germany) and HealthEdCo (US). These models and simulators are widely being used by Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Nurse consultants and Educators globally.


Wilma Wound Foot

Wilma Wound Foot

SKU: SB46503

$1,755.41 ex GST
$1,930.95 inc GST

Annie Arterial Insufficiency Leg

Annie Arterial Insufficiency Leg

SKU: SB50122U

$3,217.03 ex GST
$3,538.73 inc GST

Optional Display Stand

Optional Display Stand

SKU: SB50124U

$486.18 ex GST
$534.80 inc GST



SKU: SB46506U

$1,731.36 ex GST
$1,904.50 inc GST

Smoked Foot Gangrene Model

Smoked Foot Gangrene Model

SKU: 27029
Health Edco

$301.61 ex GST
$331.77 inc GST

Stan Stage IV Pressure Ulcer Model

Stan Stage IV Pressure Ulcer Model

SKU: SB46505

$1,143.51 ex GST
$1,257.86 inc GST

Vinnie Venous Insufficiency Leg 

Vinnie Venous Insufficiency Leg

SKU: SB50123U

$4,675.98 ex GST
$5,143.58 inc GST

Various types of Wound Care Models & Simulators

Mentone Educational, offers models that cover a wide range of underlying co-morbidities:

  • Advanced foot problems
  • Diabetic foot
  •  Pressure ulcer foot models
  • Oedema trainers
  • Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) trainers
  • Bandaging simulator
  • Arterial and venous insufficiency leg models
  • Dressing change trays
  • Skin models
  • Skin cancer models
  • Skin burn models.

These wound care models will allow nurse practitioners and clinical nurse consultants to teach and enhance knowledge in their wound care workshops for clinicians to discuss and devise treatment plans to optimise patient care. Routine cleansing and dressing changes can be taught and practiced on all wounds or identifying conditions and underlying disease states. Compression wrapping or bandaging can also be used on the venous leg models.

 debiticus care wound care models

NASCO Life/form produce quality and durable products and offer 5-year warranty. They range from Wilma Wound Foot (SB46503U) that present twenty different conditions (pressure ulcers, deep tissue injury, callus, amputated toe, gangrene, maceration, partial thickness wounds, corn, ingrown toe-nail, blister, hammer toes and skin stapled wound). NASCO’s Diabetic Foot Models (SB43091U) illustrate amputated toe, charcoal foot deformity severe infection and gangrene. NASCO’s Elderly Foot Model (LF00933U) and pressure Ulcer/Bedsore Models (LF00934U) contains all 4 severity stages (Stage I – Stage IV). NASCO’s portfolio also contains a Surgical Sally Bandaging Simulator (LF00929U), an Arterial Insufficiency Leg (SB50122U) as well as a Venous Insufficiency Leg (SB50123U).

3B Scientific, German made produce quality Diabetic Foot Treatment Trainers (P-14) demonstrating the effects of diabetes mellitus and the results of these defects and pressure points. 3B Scientific also produce a Decubitis Simulator (P-15) that is an excellent task trainer for nursing and medical students to complete a professional assessment (examination, measurement of wound length, undermining, tunnelling and correct pressure ulcer classification including all four stages. Wound Care, cleansing and multiple dressing methods can be performed.

HEALTH EDCO, US made who produce a Bedsore Cleansing and Dressing Model (26828), Severe Diabetic Foot Model (26150) and a Diabetic Model (26101)